Monday, August 13, 2018

You Do You

Let's not be crass about this, but let's be honest. 

Some people will never understand you.

There's an endless number of reasons two people won't see eye to eye on things. Sometimes it is history, as in they grew up in a different place and time (because we all did, yes even those identical conjoined twins have a different perspective and experience of life, even though it is just inches apart).

Maybe these people are not happy, are jealous (or maybe you're jealous), or maybe they have some other issue in their life. Maybe they need to fix the world, you happen to be in view, and you don't fit their expectations. Or maybe the two of you just don't mix, you are like oil and water. They want fish and chips and you want Chipotle. Preferences, personalities, and maturity levels all play a part.

But in reality, you need to do what you do as best you can and grow as much as you can while doing it. This other person may be able to help you, if only through their stance as a critic. But there are many times you should not focus on them, you should do the best you you can do.

As the amazing theologian Taylor Swift sings, "Haters gonna hate shake it off." So do your best to love them from a distance and move on with life, if you have learned what you need to from them.

Here's a link to Seth Godin and Simon Sinek on Facebook having a great conversation that brought this to my attention. Check it out around 24:00 and watch until Seth finishes talking about "it's not for you" which will take about five minutes.

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." - Romans 12:18 (NIV)

This is one way to live at peace with everyone. Love them from a distance. You do not need to be best friends with everyone. You need to love them and sometimes it is from across the room, across the street, or even from across the world. 

3. My Facebook Video of this blog:

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