Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Wealth Distribution!?

Who gets to decide how much money the wealthiest people should have? Who decides about CEO salaries compared with the average worker?

Jordan Peterson says there will always be inequality because it is a law of nature. The Pareto Principle  (edit: better to say Perato Distribution) applies to stars, cities, and salaries. You can't get away from it. The distribution of wealth will be terribly uneven.

But you can change the culture and therefore change expectations of the wealthy and society as a whole. LeBron James has started a school and given away millions in scholarships to change the lives of the at risk kids in his hometown of Akron, Ohio.

What if all the wealthy athletes, owners, CEOs, and anyone else with loads of money started a school? What if the wealthy had a kingdom model that inspired them to be generous, blessing others, and bringing about the shalom of God?

Jesus said you will always have the poor with you. He also said those that have will get more and those that don't have will lose even the little they have. Does this mean we are locked into a society that is terribly unjust? Or could it mean we have to constantly recalibrate society towards a kingdom mindset?

Let's focus on you and me and changing the culture around us. How can you be generous? Maybe you won't start a school, but could you volunteer at a school? Maybe you won't offer scholarships, but could you help with tutoring or housing? How can you be rich towards others?

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