Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Being Regular

When I heard that it would take only 10,000 hours to become very proficient at some skill I started dreaming of what I would do if I had a very long life. How many years it would take to get that 10,000 hours in to become an expert? That's just 9 years (at 3 hours a day). The average person has about 60 years to learn stuff (15 to 75, I'm being generous, because you all are above average). What kind of things would I like to be very excellent in?

I have always wanted to play the guitar, piano, or some normalish musical instrument. Then there's the idea of being an excellent cyclist. Maybe I want to learn to fly? I love being able to talk with people from around the world... how many languages could I learn? There's a long list of things I would like to be able to do, including being a repair guy, builder, architect, and so much more. I would love to live to be 999 years old (with great health), then I could learn a couple hundred things before I die.

There's a problem. It is more like 25,000 hours to become world class and the kind of practice you do matters. This is more like 3 hours a day of serious practice for more something like 22.5 years. But are you aiming to be world class or just have some fun learning?

What would your list of areas in which you liked to be an expert look like? And what if you lived to be 999 years old?

Here's a collection of Bucket Lists blog. I'm going to work through that list of 50 questions, seems like fun.

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