Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Worship, ain't what you thunk!

 Worship, it isn't what you think. The New Testament doesn't show you a clear plan or description of what we would call a worship service today. Which moment in time do you base your worship experience on ... the earliest church meeting in the Temple? The struggle to integrate the non-Jews into the kingdom of God that was likely still fresh up until 120 A.D.? Or the handed down worship of the faith tradition you are a part of? 

Yes, there are many layers in between these, but in reality, Acts, Romans, and 1 Corinthians have a lot to say about freedom in worship that is less restrictive than most any worship service today, yet also more open. 

Justin Martyr (100 AD - 165 AD) was on trial before Rusticus, he was asked where Christians gather to worship and he responded, “Where each one chooses and can: for do you fancy that we all meet in the very same place? Not so; because the God of the Christians is not circumscribed by place; but being invisible, fills heaven and earth, and everywhere is worshipped and glorified by the faithful.”

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