Friday, October 8, 2021

Embodied Neighborliness

 Colin Fagan wrote this on his Facebook wall:

Today's Pondering:

In our technocratic age neighborliness has been so universalized that it no longer has any local meaning.  Regardless of what technological use has formed us to believe, there is no neighboring without deep rootedness and connection to ones local placement.

In other words: there is no neighboring on Facebook or Twitter as they keep us from being together as embodied persons. I can only be a true neighbor with those that I can engage with as whole persons. Theologically, the Christian life emerges from the primal action on the part of the Father to enter human personhood in his Son, thereby sharing in the most intimate manner with humanity. Neighboring, then, shares in the embodied life--even the embodied life of those with whom we may want to disregard or hate--which is a life lived in close proximity not kept at a distance.


Who are you spending real face time with?
What neighbors have been in your home for a meal?
Consider how you love and how you feel God calling you to love.

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