Monday, October 11, 2021

Culture Wars

In a 1997 speech, Heston rhetorically deplored a culture war he said was being conducted by a generation of media, educators, entertainers, and politicians against: "...the God fearing, law-abiding, Caucasian, middle-class Protestant-or even worse, evangelical Christian, Midwestern or Southern- or even worse, rural, apparently straight-or even worse, admitted heterosexuals, gun-owning-or even worse, NRA-card-carrying, average working stiff-or even worse, male working stiff-because, not only don’t you count, you are a down-right obstacle to social progress. Your voice deserves a lower decibel level, your opinion is less enlightened, your media access is insignificant, and frankly, mister, you need to wake up, wise up, and learn a little something from your new-America and until you do, would you mind shutting up?"

Did Heston feed into the culture war he says he deplored? Was he just working his base to fuel his side? 

I have come to understand that the media and social media have only strengthened the need to work up your base and further widen the gap because only the most sensational clips will go viral, make the news, and be talked about ad nauseam. 

If you are a true peacemaker then maybe your role is to break down these barriers by helping uncover the financial motives of the moguls, media, and social media. Maybe it isn't just to uncover, but to undercut them in some real way. When exposing the unhealthy nature it also sweeps in a great change for a better culture of love and respect. 

What ideas might you have for this new wave of culture making that might be more generous than greedy? And is my labeling of these powerbrokers as greedy inappropriate? 

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