This is from my brother's email... it really woke me up to a different reality.loved ones,
everyone here is doing okay.
i have been getting a little more sleep lately 5-7 hours.
but i switch from day to night so sporadically i am always tired.
it is good that andrew is recovering well.
we had our 1st church service last night.
we are living in the middle of the desert on a well fortified small combat out post.
25-35 guys and one girl (chaplains assistant)
all faiths attended the same service.
in a single wide trailer with cardboard over the windows to block the light at night.
some haven't showered in 36 hours
some are wearing the same uniform for the 6th day (daily high temp 125-130)
we all have weapons and lots of ammo.
the only bible is the chaplain's
no song books.
a few handkerchiefs are spread across the table with a piece of bread, one cup of grape juice, and a small cross.
we sang amazing grace 2 times.. everyone knows the words.
the preacher read psalms about david during some trying times.
the one about his faith being a rock, the Lords rock.
he started communion.
he walked around holding the bread. we each pinched of a small piece. (some of us haven't washed our hands)
we held the bread until every one who wanted to participate had some.
then he walked around with the cup. we each dipped our bread into the cup.
(some of the guys had to get bigger pieces to dip)
we said a prayer and then all ate the dipped bread together.
the whole service took about 20 minutes.
we went out on patrol looking for bad guys doing bad things and things that go boom.
i try to read a few verses each day and we say prayer prior to going on missions.
out here there is no difference in days of the week.
i never know what day it is. (sometimes) it is hard to know what month it is.
i looked at my watch, it was a nice friday night service.
the chaplain won't be here on sunday and won't be back for few weeks.
it makes you think a little differently about church.