Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cookies, Christmas Party, and More Cookies

Jaime, Sunni, Li Shan, and Nikki (and I) made something like 700+ cookies (most were bit size). We gave them to floors 30-13 in our building. We ran out of cookies, so when we return from Shiyan, we are making more and blessing the rest of our building! We then attached this little note to the baggie that held 5 little cookies:
邱安路 Andrew Hill 先生 (86)15901173497;
希珍米 Jaime Hill 太太 (86)15901173498;
我 们是基督徒。我们住在望京新城418-2203。我们给您这个礼物因为耶稣给我们他在十字架上的生命。我们为您祷告,上帝给您爱,给您平安,很多祝福。如 果您有圣经的问题或者想学习英语,我们家每星期三晚上七点有英文的圣经学习小组。我们还在同一时间有全中文的圣经学习小组。
It says:
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!
Chinese name, English name, Husband/Wife; mobile phone, email address
We are Christians. We live at 418-2203 Wangjing Xincheng. We give you this gift because Jesus gave his life for us on the cross. We pray that God gives you love, peace, and many blessings. If you have any questions about Christianity or English, we have an English small group Bible study in our home every Wednesday night at 7. At the same time, but in another place is another small group meeting in Chinese.
Last night we invited them to our Christmas Party that was this afternoon! And for the ones we handed out tonight, we invited them to our study. If their English wasn't great we gave them Gary's info!

The Christmas Party was great! I juggled... it was a lot of fun. There was a professional violinist, another musician was 15 yrs. old - she played an ancient Chinese "guitar", then there were a couple of singers, but the most precious were the kids from the orphanage. There were tiny, some of them only 4 and up to 6, they did two little dance numbers to Chinese praise songs.

Worship was great too! We had so many blessings from God throughout this day... I'm sure I'll remember this for the rest of my life. One day I'll finally be able to talk with some of my Chinese friends about it too.

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