Saturday, June 2, 2007

Mosquito Food

Lately, we are being eatin by mosquitos. It is kinda crazy, cause we are waking up some mornings with 5-10 new bites. This isn't much fun, but we are remembering/relearning somethings about the mosquito from here:

When mosquitos are adults, only the females search for blood because they are the only ones who need it. The reason that the female needs blood is because it helps egg production and makes them fertile before they lay them. The male searches for nectar, sugar, plant juices, and other sweet things. The sugar serves as fuel for their bodies. The females mostly go out at night to find some blood to take in. A female mosquito is usually attracted to humans because of our warm, moist bodies. They can sense hosts from up to 35 meters away. When a mosquito finds something to suck on, it will first put some saliva at the place it plans on sucking on. The saliva causes a red bump on people's skin. Once the mosquito is on you, it will take in about five millionths of a liter of blood from your body. When you hit it away and don't kill it, the mosquito will come back for more blood again.

Written by Mike P., Nathan S., Nick B. and Max K.
and compiled by the Twin Groves Virtual Wetland Preserve Team


There is a Chinese Lotion that should make the bites shrink, and not eat you.

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