Saturday, March 20, 2010

Praying in Mandarin

This is my first written prayer in Mandarin Chinese, now with corrections. God knows my heart and my intent, and a dear brother helped me to fix it up. I pray it is also a blessing to you!

Our precious Abba Father in heaven...

We all worship you for being God, the Creator God, and because of who you are we are always thanking you.

感谢你给我们这个机会可以一起赞美你,也可以 来到你的面前跟你说我们自己的事情。
Thank you for giving us this opportunity to come together and worship you, and to be able to speak before you all the situations that concern us.

请祢赦免我们的罪,我们都太自私。。。我们常常不知道我们有多自私,因为我们一直就这么自私,好 像在自私中游泳。
Please continue to forgive our sin. We are too selfish... we are so selfish we often cannot see the depth of it, because we are always swimming in it.

神啊,我们常常渴慕你的祝福,但是求你更要 给我们一颗渴慕你的心。我们都是你的仆人,愿意效法耶稣基督去服事人,荣 耀神。
God give us a heart that thirsts for you, more than we desire your blessing. We are all your servants imitating Jesus Christ's service.

我 们都赞美感谢你,奉耶稣最宝贵的名祷告,阿门!
We all praise and thank you, in the most precious name of Jesus we pray, amen!

Yes, the English sounds strange, but that is because I'm translating from Chinese; that is, I didn't write it first in English.

Maybe you'd like to offer additional thoughts on this prayer, please add on, please help me to pray for all of us.

Blessings to you in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord!


Unknown said...

nice. Im copying this

Brother in Macau said...

English speaker here. I was asked to give a blessing at the start of church service in Macau this Sunday, but using Mandarin! Welp! But your post is a good framework for me to build upon. Thank you for the direction : ) May God continue to bless you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you.Can't wait to teach my friends and family at home.