Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thinking in Chinese

I used to wonder what it would be like to think in Chinese. Last night I put in a couple of earplugs so I could rest and started thinking in Chinese. It didn't require much effort, just happened. When I got to something that I couldn't say in Chinese, I would switch back to English, then I would have to "flip" that same simple switch to go back to Chinese. It was great!

I really feel like my pump has been primed. Now to really get this thing to full throttle. I need to put more Chinese in so I can get more Chinese out!

This simple, wonderful revelation came because I was having hypersensitive hearing from a bad seating location at lunch. Strange how these things work.

Praising God in all situations, hope you are too!


Anonymous said...

Writing is very good!

小林 said...

我很喜欢"I need to put more Chinese in so I can get more Chinese out!"