President Barack Obama on Monday signed an executive order to lift restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research. "In recent years, when it comes to stem-cell research, rather than furthering discovery, our government has forced what I believe is a false choice between sound science and moral values," Obama said. "In this case, I believe the two are not inconsistent." Both the president and most media outlets rarely make a clear distinction between embryonic stem-cell research and research using other types of stem cells, but simply use the generic term "stem cells" when referring to embryonic stem cells.
But the president did more on Monday than to just force taxpayers to fund embryonic stem-cell research, which requires the destruction of human life. He also rescinded an executive order President Bush put into place that funded adult stem-cell research and new research seeking alternative technologies, such as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), which are now the talk of the scientific world. (See PWB, 3/6/09.) Even Dr. James Thomson, who first grew human embryonic stem cells in 1998, has pulled his resources from embryos and invested in iPS cells, because, apart from satisfying the moral dilemma, these cells are easier and cheaper to reproduce.
"I can think of only two reasons for this action, for which I saw no advocacy either in the election or during the first weeks of the administration," said bioethics attorney and watchdog Wesley J. Smith. "First, vindictiveness against all things 'Bush' or policies considered by the Left to be 'pro-life' and, second, a desire to get the public to see unborn human life as a mere corn crop ripe for the harvest."
Many believe that Bush could have been ahead of his time in promoting both adult stem-cell research and alternative research, such as regression, also known as direct reprogramming. In this process, differentiated cells from adults are reverted into stem cells, with no destruction of human life. As recently as last week, researchers announced that they had successfully turned ethically created cells into the neurons that break down in Parkinson's disease. The week before, scientists produced evidence that they had treated Parkinson's in a patient with his own adult stem cells. Almost daily, researchers are celebrating new breakthroughs without compromising a single human life. Over 70 diseases and conditions have already been treated through adult stem cells, helping patients overcome everything from juvenile diabetes to heart disease. "While the Obama administration and its supporters claim to be on the cutting edge of science, the new President is pursuing old technology," said Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council. Smith says the Obama decision to also reverse the Bush order funding adult and alternative stem-cell research shows that Obama is really the anti-science president, not his predecessor.
A further misconception is that embryonic stem-cell research was made illegal and terminated. However, only federal funding of such research was banned by the Bush administration. Privately funded and commercial embryonic stem-cell research has continued for many years, but has yet to produce a single cure or benefit to a patient. In fact, in recent weeks, embryonic stem cells have been condemned for causing tumors in one patient in Israel. "Embryonic stem-cell research is the research of the past. Millions of dollars have been spent on embryonic stem-cell research and it has failed," said Americans United for Life president Charmaine Yoest. "To pour more money into it is simply a waste."
House Minority Leader John Boehner issued a written statement immediately after the signing that said, "Non-embryonic stem-cell research is not only showing great promise in the laboratory, but its applications are already being used to treat scores of diseases and medical conditions. Indeed, science and respect for human life can coexist. Politicians in Washington would be well-served to recognize this fact before they ask taxpayers to subsidize the destruction of innocent human life simply to advance a particular agenda." [LifeNews.com, Washington Update, OneNewsNow.com, FoxNews.com]
From The Pastor's Weekly Briefing
Research on embryos still isn't legal. He only expanded the allowed set of cells from the 21 lines of cells allowed in the Bush administration to the hundreds of other lines already existing for research in other countries. I don't agree with doing research on embryos but neither does Obama according to his continued ban on embryonic research and his commission of a committee to come up with ethical guidelines for research.
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