Warning... Warning... Warning...
The English version of this sermon is probably not as good as the Chinese version, however, neither are as good as the "in person version". When you are hearing a sermon live there are added little comments that make it so much more enjoyable and relatable. However, if you open your Bible and read along here it says "verse 1-2" or "verse such&such" - then this still might be enjoyable and useful for you. :-)
2 Thessalonians 1-2
1. Spiritual Training, eternal judgement, and being worthy
verse 1-2
This is a standard greeting of Paul's when writing to churches.
verse 3-4
Paul says, You guys are being blessed by God. God disciplines those he loves and you are being disciplined through these hardships. Look how your love is growing deeper and deeper for God and one another, that is just one example. This is why others hear a lot about how you guys are suffering for christ.
We talk about people who are interesting, people who are experiencing something different. We want to be around people who are growing, but we often hide from pain… so we live a schizophrenic life. We avoid the pain that will cause us to grow. We admire challenges others have, once they have come through the hardship. Sadly, while we or others are in the problem, we are shamefully absent.
Paul is present with these people. That is Paul knows their struggles. He is glorifying God for their struggle and their growth!
verse 5-10
Evidence… God shows you to be worthy, because you are suffering. We often think that when someone doesn't suffer, then they are holy and loved by God. Let's specify this is suffering for doing good, for living a godly life, not for sin.
There are only two kinds of people those who obey God and those who don't. Oh wait, everyone except for Jesus is disobedient and needing a Savior. The two kinds of people that will be differentiated on judgement day are those who are clinging to Jesus and those who are not.
If you are really following Jesus, please do not get angry with sinners for being sinful. It is of no use. Besides they are acting as they should. Now, on the other hand, you sure can speak clearly to Christian brothers and sisters when they are being sinful. You are called by God to encourage your brothers and sisters to run from sin and live empowered by God's grace.
Wait for God to judge the wicked. Leave room for God's wrath. Pray for those who mistreat you. Bless them. Love on them. Return good for evil.
verse 11-12
Paul prays for the brothers and sisters to thrive in this time of testing. He prays that their suffering will not be in vain, but continue to produce fruit in them and in others. What is that? Suffering brings glory to Jesus. They are suffering for being light and salt, for sharing their faith. And Paul prays that Jesus will also glorify them.
When you honor Jesus, Jesus honors you. An example of that is when you are baptized. There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels (from Luke 15 - the lost sheep, the lost coin, the lost sons). Who is rejoicing? Your Father God, your Savior Jesus, and God's Spirit are rejoicing in front of the angels. So, God gets excited about you when you are excited about God & his glory.
2. The man of lawlessness, standing firm
verse 1-4
People are sending out false reports. There are lots of rumors. Just like when Japan had the earthquake a while ago, everyone ran out to buy salt, thinking it would protect them. Or like during the Sichuan earthquake, when there were rumors of the government forecasting earthquakes. Or how about when the volcano erupted in Iceland and everyone was scared to go outside.
Rumors about Jesus' return have been happening since he left. Today there are always some crazy people telling you the end is going to happen on such and such a day. But no one knows the day or the hour, except Father God (Matthew 24:36).
Before Jesus returns, there will be a great faker that pretends to be God. He will somehow be more than a president, but like a leader of all the nations.
verse 5-12
Paul taught a lot about this… but why? Likely because the people were expecting Jesus to return right away. They were hoping Jesus would immediately destroy the Roman empire. But many of these people were too focused on the present. Paul was encouraging them to think of being a Christian as running a marathon, not just going for a walk. They wanted it easy right away, but God wants us to work through life as a method of purifying us. This is the on going work of sanctification.
This liar will also be able to do amazing things, miraculous even. But all of this will be just a simple magic show from Satan. However, Jesus will show up and just by his breathe he will destroy this charlatan.
Do you love the truth? Are you incredibly honest with yourself? Are you willing to not overlook sin, but deal directly with sin in your life or an others?
If not, then you are likely going to be sent some powerful lie. Your going to deny the truth of your sinfulness, state the case for your righteousness, and thereby unwittingly deny your need for Jesus. At which point, you will be enjoying sinfulness and condemned.
Remember Jesus said, if you deny me, I'll deny you. Not everyone who says to me "Lord, Lord" will enter the kingdom of heaven. You must live an obedient life, a life in love with God, a life of devotion and repentance. Do not trust others to save you. Do not trust yourself to save you.
On your best day, when you worship God, when you read the Bible, when you are sharing your faith with others, that is all equal to a dirty menstrual rag. Your best day, most righteous day, is the day you trust in yourself for salvation is disgusting to God. You must trust in Jesus to save you. You must give glory and honor to Jesus. You need Jesus more than you need anything else. You need Jesus more than you need money, knowledge, self-discipline, power, fame, more than you need food, water, or air to breath. You desperately need Jesus to save you and show you your sin daily.
verse 13-15
Paul says the Thessalonians were living for Jesus. They were doing good. Paul was praising them for sharing in the sufferings of Jesus. The glory of Jesus is always through the cross. Suffering is where the greatest glory, the greatest victory ever happened. We need to join Jesus in suffering if we are to join him in glory.
Do not give up on the teachings of the Bible. Do not trade them for anything else. Do not change the bible's teaching, but be changed by it. Hear the word of God and obey it. Desire more of God's word, it is like honey, better than great riches. God's word provides the path to life. It opens your heart to Jesus. God's word is the mirror that shows your sin - which is TRUTH. And God's word is the mirror that also shows Jesus in you - which is GRACE. John said, grace and truth have come through Jesus.
verse 16-17
Paul prays that they will trust more deeply in Jesus and that Jesus will supply them with all that they need to be faithful. Faithfulness is when you do and say what you know to be true. How can you know what to do if you aren't hearing God's word?
We aren't talking about just making it through today, we are talking about making it into eternity. We are talking about being confident of your eternal salvation. You will not have confidence in Christ if you are not reading the Bible. If you aren't reading the Bible and have confidence, then your confidence is likely very shallow and wrong.
Know God's Word and be confident of your salvation. The Christian life is a life of repentance, with complete confidence in Christ.
当你尊重耶稣,耶稣也会尊重你。一个例子就是你的洗礼。有欢乐的天使出现(路加福音15 - 失去的羊,丢失的银钱,失丧的儿子)。是谁高兴呢?你阿巴父神,你的救主耶稣和上帝的圣灵在天使面前欢乐。所以,当你为神和他的荣耀感动时,上帝也会激动。
不要放弃圣经的教导,不要把它们不当回事儿。不要更改圣经的教导,但要被它改变。听神之道而遵守它。更加渴望上帝的话,他的话更像蜂蜜,是伟大的财富。神的话提供了通往永生的路。它会打开你的心交给耶稣。神的话是一面镜子,显示你的罪 - 这是真理。上帝的话展示了耶稣在你心中 - 这是恩典。约翰说,恩典和真理已经通过耶稣来了。