Friday, October 26, 2007

Beijing 2008

Originally posted on October 18 as "News, Plans, and Randomness."

We hope you are doing well and enjoying the beginning of fall. We are doing some fall cleaning. Jaime is giving away clothes she doesn't wear to the students... they love them! I have yet to, don't know if they will enjoy swimming in my clothes and I haven't gone through them just yet.

We are into fall weather here in Shiyan. The nights are cool to cold and there have been a few brisk days. The cool weather here is enjoyable. Jaime loves the rainy days, I get bored with them after 3 in a row, but she seems to like as many as we get.

There have been 4 new sisters this semester! Jaime and I are really ramping up our studies with students here, there has been a sudden interest. And we are making plans to have a big "English Corner" for all of our classes - this will be an opportunity for all of them to hear the Message through cultural teachings on family relationships, friendships, dating, marriage, school studies, self improvement, and so on. We are really excited about this, but we haven't had it approved yet (shouldn't be a problem).

One of the Chinese English Teachers gave a great homework assignment - she asked all the students to report on S*lv*tion! Then the students asked me in class to help them with their homework. This is seed sowing at its finest; and the teacher will be coming to our home to talk about the Story. This is wonderful!

Our city's original teachers, Dave & Mary Broaddus, are visiting for a while! They are 70+ and were here when they were in their 60's, February 1997 to June 2001. They are very encouraging and brought along wonderful DVD's to share with folks here.

We also have two visitors from Hong Kong. They cooked tonight! One is a friend we met traveling last year - Gabe - and she brought her friend Veronica. They are a lot of fun and easy going, but tonight Gabe got sick – maybe something like the flu.

Jaime and I need to raise support for our life in Beijing - we are planning to live there for 5 years starting next fall. We think we might need about $35,000 a year... we will prepare a budget to send home soon. We are hoping to study Chinese full time for the first 6 months to a year, then continue studying the language part time while sharing the Message full time. I am seriously considering beginning a Masters in Chinese Language & Culture for my ongoing Chinese studies. This would hopefully give me good footing for teaching in the States (when/if we return) at Harding University, Ohio Valley University, or another of our schools. I think it would be great to help prepare the students for working in China!

We aren't sure yet, but would like to come home for about 3 months in the summer. This will give us enough time to visit with as many of you as possible. We also hope to spend time with family: Andrew's brother James will return from 16 months in Iraq; Phil (Andrew's oldest brother) just got engaged and we'll miss the wedding, maybe we hope to spend some time with them soon.

I grew a beard, Jaime took a picture, and I just shaved it yesterday. Those things are itchy!

To see photos related to this post go to this link:

Thanks and love you all!
Andrew & Jaime

Does God Make Mistakes?

When viewing the Old Testament people often look at the way God "changes" or how God must have messed something up, however I believe we need to look instead to one simple fact.

Humanity chose to eat the forbidden fruit.

Adam and Eve were made without flaw, with complete knowledge of the world around them. We have been in error since eating the fruit; and we all choose to eat the "fruit" and reject God.

What we see throughout the Bible is God's ongoing revelation of himself to man. Man rejects God and pushes God away again and again. Yet God is patient, loving, and kind, continuing to reveal His will for man. When we think God has changed, we should ask instead, "How have I changed?" or "How has humanity changed?"

As Adam & Eve's descendants followed in their footsteps, they became increasingly less aware of God's love and wisdom. So God continues to teach us through ongoing revelation - He isn't changing, we are. Instead of humanity becoming increasingly spiritually (and generically) intelligent we are actually becoming increasingly detached from true love and wisdom. Jesus is the answer!

When Jesus lives within our hearts we can know God!

What do I mean by continuous revelation? Simply that we are always learning more about God, but we need to have more relationship with God. In relationship we continue to learn about our friend, we never say, "I know you completely!" (1 Corinthians 13:12) God can say he knows us, but we can't say we know anyone, not even ourselves.